On 11th May 2021, the NomadBSD team has announced the release of Nomad BSD 130R-20210508. Nomad BSD is a FreeBSD based live distribution, with automatic hardware detection and installation scripts.

NomadBSD Preview

Beginning from NomadBSD 130R-20210508, the project is introducing a new versioning scheme. It will be coming with the format FFfX-YYYYMMDD, where FF is the major two-digit FreeBSD version, f is the minor version, and X stands for ALPHA (A), BETA (B), RC, or RELEASE (R). Followed by a date. This will allow the project to tag with specific version of FreeBSD release.

The main highlights in NomadBSD 130R-20210508 release are as follows:

  • The base system has been upgraded to FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE.
  • The partition alignment has been changed to 1M to improve the write speed on flash drives.
  • A bug where GLX is disabled has been fixed.
  • Drivers for VMware have been added.

Download Nomad BSD 130R-20210508

For more reading, see the official NomadBSd 130R-20210508 release announcement published on projects website.

NomadBSD 130R-20210508 screenshots

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