Finally, the Solus Project has unveiled Solus Plasma Edition. It is a new member of the Solus family which provides a sophisticated user experience with Plasma Desktop.

We’re proud to announce a new addition to the Solus family: Solus Plasma Edition. Solus Plasma Edition has been a long sought after experience by current and prospective users alike, melding our ability to create a curated out-of-the-box experience with the sophistication of the Plasma Desktop experience. - Joshua Strobl, Experience Lead - Solus Project

Solus 4.1 Plasma Edition Preview

Solus 4.1 Plasma Edition is coming with Plasma Desktop 5.17.5, KDE Frameworks 5.66, KDE Applications 19.12.1 and QT 5.13.2.

On top of the inherent awesomeness of Plasma Desktop, the Solus team adds the following features. A dark plasma theme that resembles other Solus editions. Relocated ‘Show Desktop’ widget on the panel Customer layout for Digital Clock Widget The logout timeout reduced from 30 seconds to 10 seconds. Elisa is the default music player SMPlayer and mpv are included as video players - SMPlayer is the default. For further details on Solus 4.1 Fortitude Plasma Edition, read release announcement published on the project’s website.

Solus 4.1 Plasma Edition screenshots

Video Preview

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