Linux Mint 19.2 Tina - MATE Edition screenshots
In our previous story, we explored Linux Mint 19.2 - Cinnamon Edition. Now, it is time to explore other Linux Mint flavors. Let’s move to Linux Mint 19.2 MATE Edition.
Linux Mint 19.2 is shipped with MATE 1.22, a bug fix release of MATE Desktop focusing on stability and performance improvements.
Linux Mint 19.2 MATE Desktop
The main highlights in MATE 1.22 are listed below:
- Support for metacity-3 themes
- Better looking window and desktop switchers
- Better systemd support in the session manager
- Configurable delay for automatically started applications
- Desktop notifications for long-running file operations
- Support for new compression formats and the ability to pause/resume compression/decompression
- New key shortcuts for different types of media keys like Bluetooth, WiFi, touchpads, and global killswitches
In addition to these MATE specific improvments, the MATE Edition also includes updates from the common Linux Mint pool, which are explained in our previous story.
Following section showcases some screenshots captured on Linux Mint 19.2 MATE Edition.
01 Mint Welcome02 Mint MATE Desktop03 Application Menu04 Caja File Manager05 MATE Terminal06 Multitasking Demo07 Firefox Web Browser08 XPlayer from XApps Stack09 Pix Image Manager10 XViewer from XApps Stack11 Rhythmbox Music Player12 LibreOffice Writer13 Redshift - System backup and restore tool14 Boot repair tool15 Update Manager16 Configuring Kernel update17 MATE Control Center18 Desktop Backgrounds19 Software Manager - Splash20 Software Manager - Home Page21 Software Manager Category View22 Synaptic Package Manager23 MATE System Monitor24 htop resource monitor25 Shutdown confirmation