Mr Eduard Lucena, on behalf of Fedora Project, has announced the release of Fedora 28 beta, a development release of upcoming Fedora 28 which is scheduled to release in May 2018. This release will give a brief idea of features expected in the upcoming release and will enable beta testing around the world. Fedora 28 includes several package updates and design changes including the introduction of modular repositories.

Fedora 28 beta banner

What is new in Fedora 28?

It has been around 6 months since the release of Fedora 27. Fedora 28 includes all updated packages since the release of Fedora 27. Other notable highlights in Fedora 28 beta release includes -

Modular Repository - The idea of the modular repository was around for a while. Fedora 28 brings initial support for modular repositories. Fedora 28 beta server edition will be getting a few modular repositories immediately. The support for other variations will be implemented in near future.

On end-user perspective, there will be two set of repositories. One will be traditional fedora repositories. The other set of repositories will provide alternative and supplementary modules.

64-bit ARM is now a primary architecture - In addition to the existing AAarch64, the 64-bit ARM also becomes a primary architecture of Fedora server edition.

GNOME 3.28 - Fedora 28 Workstation beta improves the desktop experience with GNOME 3.28, which comes with plenty of features and improvements. It will also include the power saving features enabled by default.

VirtualBox Guest Additions - Fedora 28 installation images will include VirtualBox guest additions to provide better performance in virtualization environments.

Kubernetes 1.9 - Fedora Atomic Host includes Kubernetes 1.9, which includes several features to deploy and manage your containerized applications in a modular way.

Download Fedora 28 beta

Fedora 28 beta release is available in different variations and can be downloaded by following links given below.

In addition to these variations, there is official community spins with different desktop environments and targeting a different audience.


  1. Fedora 28 beta release announcement on Fedora Magazine
  2. Modularity is dead, long live modularity - Article on modularity