The Sparky Linux team has announced the availability of Sparky 2019.11 with code name Po Tolo. This snapshot from Sparky Linux is based on the Debian testing branch Bullseye and all the packages are updated as of 2nd November 2019.

Sparky Linux Preview

Sparky 2019.11 is a snapshot release in projects 2019.x series. This means if you are already running a Sparky 2019.x system, there is no need to do a fresh installation. A full system update will suffice the purpose.

The main highlights of Sparky 2019.11 release include,

  • system upgraded from Debian testing “Bullseye” repos as of November 2, 2019
  • Calamares installer 3.2.16 + kpmcore 4
  • Linux kernel 5.2.17 as default (5.3.8 & 5.4-rc5 in Sparky unstable repos)
  • obmenu-generator removed from Openbox edition (due to Perl updated up to 5.30 and libgtk2-perl removed); it has been replaced by sparky-obmenu (+obmenu)
  • added Sid repos back (not active) – use it on your own risk
  • Yad updated up to 5.0, but it is available from Sparky unstable repos now

For more updates see the Sparky 2019.11 release announcement on the Sparky Linux website.