The OpenMandriva Association has announced the availability of OpenMandriva Lx 4.1, a stable release from OpenMandriva family. OpenMandriva Lx 4.1 brings a set of updated packages, desktop environments, and process improvements.

OpenMandriva Lx 4.1 Preview

The main highlights in this release are briefed in the official release announcement.

  • Introduces OpenMandriva branded applications like, Desktop Presets (om-feeling-like) - a tool to customize the look and feel of the desktop, and Update Configuration(om-update-config) - a tool for configuring automatic updates.
  • Linux Kernel 5.5.0
  • Qt Frameworks 5.14.1
  • Plasma: Frameworks 5.66.0, Plasma Desktop 5.17.5, Applications 19.12.1
  • Java 13
  • LibreOffice
  • Falkon 3.1.0
  • More alternative desktops are available for testing
  • OpenMandriva clang compiled kernel, named kernel-release-clang. Users can install the same version of kernel-release and kernel-release-clang for comparison. Clang is the default compiler in OpenMandriva, but only recently the kernel was made compatible with it. For now, this is experimental
  • Introduces Zypper as an alternative package manager

You can read the OpenMandriva Lx 4.1 official release announcement in the OpenMandriva blog.

Download OpenMandriva Lx 4.1

OpenMandriva Lx 4.1 screenshots

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