Pop!_OS 21.04 released with more improvements on Cosmic Desktop
The System76 team has announced the release of Pop!_OS 21.04. It is the latest stable release of user-friendly GNU/Linux distribution created by System76 - A popular GNU/Linux hardware vendor.
Pop!_OS 21.04 is coming with a lot of improvements experience. Especially, it has further improved the COSMIC customizations to accommodate a variety of use cases.
What’s new in Pop!_OS 21.04?
The noteworthy changes in the Pop!_OS 21.04 release are briefly explained below.
- COSMIC configuration during initial setup - While the initial setup, Pop!_OS will ask the users to personalize their defaults. During this initial setup, the user can see how the current settings will look like. Users may also make the changes later.
- Dock - The COSMIC dock is much more customizable now. It can either fill the screen or remain at the center. Or arrange at the top, bottom, left, or right side. Or can configure to intelligently hide, or can customize icon size and a lot more.
- Activities Overview - Activities Overview is split into two views: Workspaces and Applications.
- Top Bar - The items on the top bar can be customized/removed to match users’ mental habits.
- Super Key - With the default configuration, the super key will trigger the launcher. From the launcher, users can select applications, settings, perform web searches, do calculations, run a command, etc. If you don’t like the super key opening launcher, you can customize it to open either workspaces or applications view.
- Trackpad Gestures - Some trackpad gestures help you trigger some action, which includes the below.
- Swipe four fingers right on the trackpad to open the Applications view
- Swipe four fingers left to open the Workspaces view
- Swipe four fingers up or down to switch to another workspace
- Swipe with three fingers to switch between open windows
- Other changes - The other changes in Pop!_OS 21.04 includes, optional minimize and maximize buttons, tiling windows with mouse, improved launcher’s search algorithm to prioritize applications, etc.
How to upgrade before version 20.10 reaches End of Life in July
In Pop!_OS, the system upgrade is user simple. If you want an upgrade from the previous release 20.10, ensure you have applied all the updates. Then go to System Update in the Control Center, then perform the upgrade.
If you prefer a more advanced way to upgrade, you may use the terminal application. Open terminal from the desktop or with Super + T key combination, then input following commands. Provide the password if asked.
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
pop-upgrade release upgrade
For further information, read Pop!_OS 21.04 official release announcement in project’s website.
Pop!_OS 21.04 screenshots
01 Desktop
02 About Pop_OS
03 Launcher
04 Fullscreen Launcher
05 Application Overview
06 Nautilus
07 Terminal
08 Multitasking Overview
09 Overview with light theme
10 Tiling Menu
11 Tiling Enabled
12 Tiling Enabled - 2
13 Firefox
14 Videos
15 LibreOffice Writer
16 About LibreOffice
17 Calendar
18 Background Settings
19 Appearance Settings
20 Dock Settings
21 Workspace Settings
22 Pop Shop
23 System Monitor
24 GNOME Terminal
25 Calendar Widget
26 System Menu
27 Shutdown Confirmation
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