Ubuntu Classic Series: Ubuntu 5.04 - Hoary Hedgehog
Ubuntu 5.04 was the second release of Ubuntu. Ubuntu 5.04 was released on 8th April 2005 and came with the code name Hoary Hedgehog.
Ubuntu 5.04 introduced many of the features that we use today. It includes update-manager, upgrade-notifier, hibernate and standby support, Kickstart installation, etc. Also, Ubuntu 5.04 was the first release to support USB installation.
In those days, Ubuntu regular releases used to have a support period of 18 months. Following this convention, Ubuntu 5.04’s support period ended on 31 October 2016.
Following were the noteworthy highlight in Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog.
- GNOME 2.10.11 - which came with improved performance.
- Firefox 1.0.2 - tightly integrated with GNOME.
- Evolution
- OpenOffice.org 1.1.3
- X.org 6.8.2 - X autodetection and laptop screen detection have had considerable updates based on community participation.
About Ubuntu Classic Series
Ubuntu Classic Series is a journey through old Ubuntu releases. This will help to recall, how Ubuntu was looking in those days, and how much we have evolved. It also briefly explains the features in each release, with screenshots, and preview video.
- Ubuntu 4.10 Warty Warthog: The first ever Ubuntu release
- Ubuntu Classic Series: Ubuntu 5.04 - Hoary Hedgehog
Ubuntu 5.04 screenshots
01 setup - language
02 setup - locale
03 setup - keyboard
04 setup - xserver
05 setup - display
06 loading desktop
07 desktop
08 about ubuntu
09 about gnome
10 application menu
11 nautilus
12 terminal
13 firefox
14 rhythmbox
15 gedit
16 nimbles game
17 gimp splash
18 gimp
19 add or remove
20 system monitor
21 software updater
22 openoffice writer
23 ubuntu database device
24 calendar
25 shutdown confirmation
Video Preview
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