On 22nd April 2021, the Lubuntu project has announced the public availability of Lubuntu 21.04 with the code name Hirsute Hippo. In addition to the core features inherited from Ubuntu 21.04, Lubuntu 21.04 is coming with LXQt 0.16, and associated components.

Lubuntu 21.04 Preview

As a regular release among the Ubuntu community flavors, Xubuntu 21.04 will be having a support period of 9 months. After the support period, there won’t be any critical bug fixes, or updates available for this release.

The main highlights in Lubuntu 21.04 release are as follows:

  • LXQt 0.16.0
  • LXQt Archiver 0.3.0 which is based on Engrampa, is now included.
  • Qt 5.15.2
  • Mozilla Firefox 87.0
  • The LibreOffice 7.1.2 suite.
  • VLC 3.0.12
  • Featherpad 0.17.1 as default text editor
  • Discover Software Center 5.21.4, for an easy, graphical way to install and update software. Muon package manager is also included.

Lubuntu 21.04 Hirsute Hippo screenshots

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